Easter anyone?

Today's post is a little long - I had the privilege of sharing the homily at Church and wanted to share my text in it's entirety: Last weekend I attended an Easter sunrise service with my family. The preacher told some great stories and had good energy about spreading the Gospel. However, he preached about the events of Jesus’ last days, beginning with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem right up to Jesus’ death at the hands of others. He stopped at Holy Saturday – that empty space in time between death and resurrection. He told us that of course we live most of our lives in Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays and didn’t move us to those Easter morning experiences we have all had. I left feeling somewhat empty or unfulfilled. As Christians we know we are living in the reign of God and we also know we are not. Theologians refer to this as being about the reign of God already and not yet. For me, this mystery is most evident in readings of th...