From Gratefulness to Happiness

I recently viewed a TED talk by Brother David Steindl-Rast on gratefulness and happiness. The Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday is the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus (Mark 9: 2-10) and the second reading is that wonderful passage from Romans reminding us that if God is for us, who can be against us. This combination of input for our prayer and reflection is quite robust. Brother David outlines a most simple method for living gratefully: Stop, Look and Go. I believe the scriptures say much the same. Press the pause button in our busy lives and breathe deeply God’s lavish love and care for us, recalling that it is God who gives us all good things. Open our eyes, ears and hearts to the wonders available to us; opportunities to embrace God present in all people and all creation, as in the persons of Elijah and Moses. And then, we move gratefully forward, carrying with us all that is given to us with new vigor and imagination. ...