From Gratefulness to Happiness
I recently viewed a TED talk by Brother David Steindl-Rast
on gratefulness and happiness. The
Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday is the story of the Transfiguration of
Jesus (Mark 9: 2-10) and the second reading is that wonderful passage from
Romans reminding us that if God is for us, who can be against us. This combination of input for our prayer and
reflection is quite robust.
Brother David outlines a most simple method for living
gratefully: Stop, Look and Go. I believe the scriptures say much the
same. Press the pause button in our busy
lives and breathe deeply God’s lavish love and care for us, recalling that it
is God who gives us all good things.
Open our eyes, ears and hearts to the wonders available to us;
opportunities to embrace God present in all people and all creation, as in the
persons of Elijah and Moses. And then,
we move gratefully forward, carrying with us all that is given to us with new
vigor and imagination.
In my role as a member of the Leadership Team of a Religious
Congregation, one of my duties is to “visit” each sister for whom I am the
contact. I have had quite a few of these
“visitation” conversations in the last few weeks. As I pull the threads of visitation through
the fabric of this talk and these scriptures, I am mindful of the profound
sense of gratitude that exists among us.
Sister after Sister has spoken to me of her awareness of God’s great
generosity to her personally and to the Congregation now and throughout our
history. I have heard stories of deep
gratitude which has led Sisters to a lifetime of trust and happiness even in
the midst of challenges. These
conversations are for me a great inspiration and help ground me ever more
deeply as a member of this Congregation.
Gratefulness is an attitude we are all encouraged to
cultivate. It is a particular response
to our daily living; one that we choose. There are as many (if not more)
opportunities for us to choose to be grateful that to choose to be miserly or
What strikes you as you move into this 2nd week
of Lent? I invite you to share the
fruits of your prayer with others as we together discover the presence of God
anew in our relationships and our world.
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