This Feels Like "Manna" Time

This week, as we continue living in a time of COVID-19 and stay at home orders and shut downs, I have experienced it as what I call “manna” time. When the Israelites were wandering in the dessert, the food they had brought with them from Egypt was running out and they were hungry. They complained bitterly to Moses, begging him to intercede with God on their behalf for food. And so the all loving and generous God provided manna or bread from heaven. It appeared in the morning like dew on the grass and was enough to satisfy the people for the day, bringing sustenance to their bodies and spirits. If someone tried to keep some of the food overnight in case there was a need for it the next day, it became rotten and was inedible. In giving this gift of nourishment, God was also giving a gift of faith. The appearance of this food was a test of faith. Did the Israelites believe that God would continue to bless and care for them, or did they feel the...