What are we afraid of?

In Henri Nowen’s book Lifesigns he reminds us that the opposite of fear is love.  One scripture scholar notes that the exhortation “Be not afraid” is repeated 365 times in the Bible – once for every day of the year!  The Gospel for this past weekend [Matthew 10: 26 – 33 (in the Catholic tradition)] also encourages us to not be afraid.  As a person of faith, I believe that we do not need to be afraid and that there is a force of good in the universe far greater than anything I can imagine. Living by faith anchors us in love, which banishes fear.  The more we live in love, the less space there is for fear.

And yet, so many live fearfully.  This is not the same as those people in our world who truly live in a place and/or situation where their life and loved ones are threatened regularly.  I am talking about so many who see the world through fear colored glasses, expecting that anything or anyone they do not understand is a threat.  When we find ourselves in this mindset we establish more rules and laws.  We become afraid to leave our well protected environment and afraid to let others in.  We build walls and gates and put locks on doors to keep anyone who is “different” out.  

This is happening in our world as we see the tightening of regulations in so many areas of our life; border security, protection of our way of life to the detriment of the environment, healthcare for some, not all, etc.  We also see this in some of our churches with new documents and proclamations.  There are some Church leaders who are tightening controls on who can and cannot receive the sacraments and I believe this is out of fear.  Recently a few Bishops have decreed that if a person is living in a same sex marriage, this person cannot receive a Catholic funeral and in some cases cannot receive Communion.  What or who are we protecting by restricting access to the sacraments? Is not our God big enough to welcome all peoples?  I am struggling to understand how this could undermine the integrity of the sacrament (an outward sign of God's grace).

What are we afraid of?  Is it loss of control? Is it a fear of those who are not like us?  Is it a fear of those who do not speak the same language or worship the same or have the same lifestyle?  Do we need to surround ourselves with people who are just like us in order to feel safe?  In St. Paul’s letter to the Church in Corinth we hear of the Body of Christ described as consisting of many with different gifts and different expressions of the Spirit.  Diversity is seen as the many different and beautiful facets of God’s Reign. 

In a world where fear seems to be a driving factor; creating the impression that we are only safe when we are with those people like us and surrounded by secure laws and borders – where is there room for love?  As Christians, called to live the Gospel message of love to all creation (without exception!) let us support one another even as we step out in fear.  Let us help one another to not be afraid and to embrace diversity, rather than helping to build a wall or craft a new regulation or executive order.  What do you think? What do you need from God to step out?  Where is your heart?


  1. "Fear-colored glasses" - excellent notion. Enjoying in my green chair in the back yard! Thanks!

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