I have been thinking about the second reading from this weekend's liturgy from St. Paul to the Ephesians in light of so many situations and realities in our world. This reading really encourages us to be our best selves in all areas of our life, and in all situations. I don't know about you, but I find this really hard.  I have a set of principles by which I live my life and I work pretty hard at it.  But there are times when someone inevitably pushes my buttons.  My reaction can be one of frustration, disbelief, anger or disregard. I hate it when I react this way. I pray to do better the next time and to put my better self out there.

I believe that we can model this for all those in our circles. Just imagine if our friends, family and co-workers witnessed each of us responding to difficult situations with grace and a more measured response rather than quickly reacting in anger, fear or even worse - disregard. As people see this more positive behavior on our part, perhaps they might be encouraged to do the same. We could change the world, one relationship at a time.

What are some of your knee-jerk reactions? How can you change them to a more thoughtful response? What works best for you? Some thoughts:
1. Take a deep breath before opening your mouth
2. Delay your response until you have had some time to think it over
3. Be mindful of the other person as a person created and loved by God
4. Pray for the person or situation by name
5. Ask advice from a friend not connected to the situation
6. Unclench your fist

And you?


  1. First, I love your blog Sister Karen! Second, I am one of these people who "acts now, thinks later" and I ALWAYS regret it. I've been working on it, too. Sometimes it helps me to remember that a person's perceptions are their reality, just like mine are. That helps me to remember that no matter what kind of witty, sarcastic, or scathing comeback I can come up with to really put them in their place, it will only make me feel momentarily satisfied, not change that person. Rationally, I know diplomacy prevails. The trick is remembering it in the heat of the moment!

  2. Hmm. I should have read this earlier tonight! It is hard to be your best person when you are tired AND hungry AND there is stress! I think the thing that helps me stay and/or get back on track is to be reminded. Thanks for the reminder Karen!


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