Living in the Present Moment

A friend of mine has suggested that this time of living with COVID-19 is really a call to live even more in the present moment. I used to think that I did a pretty good job of living in the moment, but I am learning how untrue this is. As long ago scheduled events drop off my calendar like leaves from a tree in autumn and as I try to figure out what to do each day, I am learning that I am a creature of habit; that I like being productive in a predictable way; that I believe in some longe range planning and that I define myself at least somewhat by my position/occupation. I believe that each of these things are valuable to a point. However, when this is all we have, then staying in and appreciating the present moment is a real challenge. As a person of faith in the divine, in a God who became one of us to show us the way to return to God, I believe that God is in everything. Even when I find myself in a mess of a relationship or a difficult decision or tr...