Satisfaction or Over Fed?
Have you seen those commercials advertising a law firm that
promises to get you 10, 25 and even 40 times what your insurance company can
get you? At first seeing the
advertisement and hearing these claims seems preposterous to me. But the more often I see it the more
concerned I become.
What is it in our human nature that is being tapped by these
claims? Why is this so attractive? It seems to me that this touches into a side
of us that is not very attractive at best – and at worst a side of us that can
be lazy, self-centered, vengeful or greedy.
The attraction of gratuitous wealth is powerful and hard for any of us
to resist. And why would we? That is the
question these claims lead us to. If
these attorneys are willing to do the work and the promises are even 50% true –
what harm could there be in placing a call?
I believe that too often we are not only attracted to
promises of “free” wealth, but that we feel we are entitled to it. We had an accident that was not our fault or
a medical professional made a mistake that caused a problem or difficulty or a
family member was affected by practices that we now know are hazardous,
etc. Any of these situations could push
us to want to extract “our due” and more from the offending individuals.
As a person of faith, I believe we are all made in God’s
image and likeness. We have been created by love, to be people who love and who
will one day be returned to God in love.
If this is what I believe, then seeking something I have not earned and
desiring retribution feels wrong. This
search does not support the scriptural call to build one another up and to turn
the other cheek.
My musings then take me to the question – why do we have
insurance and am I ever entitled to a claim?
Of course we are. Accidents and malpractice happen because we live among
other humans. However, how much is
enough? Can I be satisfied with the
award given to me or am I hungry for more?
Can I trust in God’s abundant love for me rather than give in to
feelings of entitlement and greed? Only
God can truly satisfy.
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