Will it be a Good Year?
On New Year’s Day I left Church and said to the pastor “this
year will be better, I know it!” His response to me was a cautious “if you say
so.” I have been thinking about this and praying about it most of this
What possessed me to speak so assuredly that 2017 would be
better? Do I really know that? Of course not! And if it is not better when I look back at this
time next year will I feel that God has let me down? Or will I believe that it
is my fault? And what does it even mean to have a good year?
I believe all I can say as a person of faith is that I am
certain that regardless of how the year unfolds, God will be with me and with
us. As we look ahead to our personal and
communal realities, there isn’t anything else we can be sure of. We might love our job; we could become
unemployed or we could be dissatisfied.
We could enjoy good health or we might become ill or suffer chronic
pain. Perhaps someone in our family or
circle of friends will know a great success or defeat. There could be awesome family celebrations,
illness or death. The point is we really
do not know. I am not sure about you,
but I am glad I do not know.
Living in the present moment can be very hard for me. I look ahead and plan and prepare. Sometimes
I spend so much energy looking ahead that I fail to miss what is right in front
of me, including the joy of the moment.
Of course, we have to be responsible and look ahead as good stewards of
all the many gifts God has given us, but the gift that really matters is the
gift each moment – it is there that God is found.
As I step into 2017 I am going to work at remembering that
gift. When the moment is filled with pain, confusion or suffering, I hope to
remember to stop and ask God to make God’s presence known. I will work at doing
the same when confronted with a moment of joy or beauty. These two extremes of human experience are
often the times when I do not notice the presence of God until I take a moment
to look back. This year, I pray that I
notice more quickly.
Perhaps if I work this year on being more in tune with God
who loves me and has created all that is right and good in our universe and
beyond then it will be a better year. Not because there is less tragedy, fear, violence,
illness or hatred, but because I have opened myself to God and allowed God’s
presence to be revealed to me, permeating all that I am and do. I believe this
attitude “tune up” will make 2017 a better year, and that I can say with
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany; the feast
when we recall that Jesus came not just to save one particular nationality or
religious sect, but that God through Jesus desires to be made manifest to all
humankind. This is our feast too. We continue to be the presence of Christ in
our world and so God continues to be made manifest to all people through us,
regardless of race, religion, nationality or sexual preference. Let us not shy
away from noticing the presence of God and being the presence of God right now!
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