Truly "faithfully" ours

If you are a follower of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester, the following is my reflection written for our website. I apologize for the repetition.
As the patronal Feast of the Sisters of St.
Joseph is celebrated on Monday, March 19, I thought it appropriate to offer a
reflection on the Gospel reading for the day: Matthew 1: 18 - 24.
The words/concepts that stand out from both the psalm of
the day (Psalm 89) and the Gospel are “forever,” “faithfulness,” and “do not be
afraid.” The impression a person is left
with upon praying with these words is one of confidence in something or someone
greater than ourselves and one of being safe.
The news in recent weeks can leave us with quite a different sense. Youth around our country and the world have
had enough with the violence and mistreatment toward others and are banding
together in action and conversation.
They are expressing their feelings of insecurity and fear in thoughtful
ways. The relationships between leaders
of nations is also stressed these days and shake our sense of safety on the
national scale.
However, the message from this feast is quite the
opposite. No matter the realities that
cause us to be shaken from a place of safety and peace, God promises to be
faithful. God will be with us forever,
not only when we pray or when we sense God’s presence, but ALWAYS. God assures us that we need not be
afraid. It is this message that
emboldens people young and old to ask others to join with them in efforts
toward peace and unity.
As we begin the 5th week of Lent side by side
with Joseph, let us pray with and for one another. Let us pray for courage and most of all, let
us pray that God be made manifest in love and peace.
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